Сoncept of “marketing”: problem of content

  • Isaev A.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The absence of a single interpretation of the concept of “marketing” is stated. It is proved that the low degree of determinism of the concept of “marketing” is a consequence of the etymological approach to the disclosure of its content and does not take into account the basic need of the seller – to be competitive in the market. In the author’s opinion, a more in-depth approach is more productive. This approach reveals the content of “marketing” by identifying the causes that led to the introduction of this concept into practical and scientific circulation. According to the well-known law of psychology, a person commits certain actions (including the acquisition of goods) only if such actions lead to the satisfaction of the corresponding needs. And the satisfaction of needs is always accompanied by the emergence of a person’s feelings (emotions). According to the laws of bioinformational psychology (psyprogrammistics), the applied direction of which is the emotional theory of sales, in the context of satisfying a particular need, the buyer rushes to those goods that cause him stronger positive emotions in comparison with competing goods. In this regard, in order to win the market, the manufacturer must first of all identify the buyer’s needs in the most important characteristics of the so-called “integrated product” and meet these needs better than competitors (of course, at the same price). The author’s interpretation of the concept of “marketing” as an activity for developing the idea of a competitive integrated product is proposed. Two methodological approaches to the evaluation of product competitiveness were studied: economic and communicative; scientifically proved indicators of product competitiveness for each of them.

Keywords: marketing, evaluation of product competitiveness, psyprogrammistics, emotional theory of sales.